TEXO Australasia
As an innovative Australian company TEXO services the mining, infrastructure, building and construction industries. We manufacture and supply a diverse range of specialised construction products. Our product range includes items from builder’s film for concrete slabs to architecturally designed entrance mats for major high-rise buildings and aramid fibres that reinforce asphalt on our highways.
Business needs
Greater value for TEXO customers and increased growth of 15% per year, supported by efficiency gains. Improved communication and unification of employees and Integrated, automated processes and legal compliance.
Exact Globe unifies all business processes on a single platform with real-time data entry. Exact Synergy facilitates collaboration and information sharing among employees. Exact solutions are standardised and compliant with international legislations.
Value proposition
Improved customer care. Time and cost savings. High user acceptance and reduced manual data entry and redundancy. The Return on Investment (ROI) was less than a year.
Organisation name:
TEXO Australasia Pty Ltd
TEXO services the mining, building and construction industries. Manufacturers and supply a diverse range of specialised construction products.
Number of employees:
10 Exact Globe users, 26 Exact Synergy users
Active Exact product lines
Exact Synergy, Exact Globe