Product news
Exact for Manufacturing Ease of Use: Introducing a right to edit serial/batch numbers

In Exact for Manufacturing and Exact for Wholesale Distribution Advanced and Premium editions we can work with serial and batch numbers to support traceability and compliance to industry regulations. A new right makes it possible to assign rights to those employees that are allowed to correct erroneous serial and batch numbers.
If we enter (or scan) in Exact Online a wrong value for the serial or batch number then we ‘have to live with it’. The serial or batch number is attached to the product that the customer receives, and if he makes an inquiry or returns a product we may not be able to find the serial or batch number back. It is important therefore that an authorized user is able to correct the recorded serial or batch number in Exact Online. We have introduced a user right ‘Maintain serial or batch numbers’ that is by default off: (Click to enlarge) The result is that users holding the appropriate right can edit the serial or batch number, while others can’t:
(Click to enlarge) These improvements are available for Advanced and Premium versions of Exact for Manufacturing and Exact for Wholesale Distribution. The Ease of Use project aims to make Exact for Manufacturing easier and more efficient using the feedback of customers. Do you think we can make Exact for Manufacturing better? Contact Exact support and we dive into your suggestion.