Product news
Exact for Manufacturing: New API’s released supporting shop floor automation

On the road to the digital factory, more and more customers and partners are seeking to hook up manufacturing execution systems (MES) to Exact for Manufacturing. We have released a number of API’s that are needed to interface with a MES.
/manufacturing/ManufacturingSettings (GET)This API fetches the manufacturing settings, which can be a useful call when you switch divisions:
- - Inventory method. E.g. Standard, Average
- - Inventory sub method. E.g. Perpetual, AngloSaxon
- - Is negative stock allowed.
- - Is serial number mandatory?
- - Should backflush materials be shown in Smart Shop Floor (or apps built for similar purposes)?
- - Should sub order's materials be shown in Smart Shop Floor (or apps built for similar purposes)?
This API fetches information about material(s) to be issued using Smart Shop Floor (or apps built for similar purposes).
/manufacturing/TimedTimeTransactions (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)This API is used to start, stop/edit(stop tab) or delete(recent tab - running job) an operation (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE).
This API is also used in the shop manager dashboard to fetch the operations that are currently running (GET).
/manufacturing/RecentTimeTransactions (GET)This API is used to fetch time entries in Recent tab of a Smart Shop Floor (or apps built for similar purposes).
/manufacturing/ShopOrderRoutingStepPlansAvailableToWork (GET)This API is built to fetch operations on the Start and Manual tab of a time entry user of Smart Shop Floor (or apps built for similar purposes) that are not finished.
/manufacturing/StartedTimedTimeTransactionsThis API is built to fetch time entries in the Stop tab of a time entry user of Smart Shop Floor (or apps built for similar purposes).
For details we refer to the Exact Online REST API – Reference documentation:

These innovations have been released as part of our Winter (2018/2019) release.