Responsible Disclosure Policy

The information on this page is intended for security researchers who want to report a security vulnerability to Exact. If you are a customer that has a security related question, please contact customer support through the normal channels.

At Exact, we consider the security of our systems and products a top priority. But no matter how much effort we put into security, there can still be vulnerabilities.

If you discover a vulnerability, we would like to know about it so we can take steps to address it as quickly as possible. We would like to ask you to help us protect our systems and products.

Don’t use the Responsible Disclosure flow for

  • Product questions: Contact customer support
  • Complaints: Contact customer support
  • Unavailable services: Check
  • Report the following via security [at] exact [dot] com:
    • Fake/Phishing emails
    • Potential data leaks
    • Security incidents

In case of vulnerabilities, please do the following

  • Exact has chosen to use a third-party vendor for Vulnerability Disclosure Program, please check the details here.
  • Please, carefully read the "Rules of Engagement", What is "In scope" and what is "Out of scope"
  • The current Hall of Fame will be kept for reference, but later on it can be found here.

Thank you for your cooperation

Thank you for your cooperation, we really appreciate the effort you put into improving the security of Exact!

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