Product news
Exact for Manufacturing Ease of Use: Fixed days for operations

Manufacturing operations tend to require more process time with increasing order size. There are however processes that have a fixed duration: fermenting beer or dough, ripening cheese, and letting paint dry. Fermenting, ripening or drying happens unattended and is not influenced by opening hours, weekends or holidays. Exact for Manufacturing already supported fixed duration operations in minutes and hours, obeying opening hours and weekends. We have now introduced fixed duration operations measured in days that take 24 hours each day.
The routing can be maintained for quotations ([Sales] Quotations), bill-of-material versions ([Inventory] Items) and shop orders ([Manufacturing] Shop orders). For inside operations (Resource type = Work centre) we can now specify a run time with Fixed days. Operations with fixed days duration behave for planning like outside operations (Resource type = Supplier): the [Settings] Manufacturing, Shift duration is disregarded, as are weekend days.
These improvements are available for all versions of Exact for Manufacturing. The Ease of Use project aims to make Exact for Manufacturing easier and more efficient using the feedback of customers. Do you think we can make Exact for Manufacturing better? Contact Exact support and we dive into your suggestion.