Product news
Exact for Manufacturing Innovation: Smart Shop Floor material management

Smart Shop Floor is the app for tablets, smartphones or large touchscreens to view shop orders and track time for shop floor operators. We just added functionality to track material consumption and products finished: Smart Shop Floor material management. This functionality is available as of now for all users of Smart Shop Floor.
Smart Shop Floor time tracking Of course you were aware of Smart Shop Floor’s time tracking. The operations to complete on the work stations where an employee is linked to are shown and the shop order data can be viewed: the electronic shop paper. The electronic shop paper is always up to date and doesn’t get lost. With Start and Stop buttons you can track time on an operation.
Smart Shop Floor material management We added to Smart Shop Floor functions for shop floor material management: material issue, shop order finish and shop order by-product finish. Via [Master data] Users, Rights you can define to which functions your employees have access. Please note the (new) rights for Time entry and Time entry: Shared device. With Time entry: Shared device we can use the login of a single employee to provide access to the start screen for multiple employees. Such a ‘shared device’ can only be used for time tracking and not for material management. With Time entry an employee can track time for himself.
Issue materials and finish (by-)products Via the drop down menu we can choose any of the functions for which rights have been assigned. With material issue we can record which (planned) materials have been consumed, from which storage location they have been taken, and which serial- and batch numbers are involved. With shop order finish we can record which quantity of products have been received, on which storage location they are stored and which serial- and batch numbers have been assigned. Shop order by-product finish has similar functions as shop order finish.
These enhancements are available as of now for all users of Smart Shop Floor. Each Exact for Manufacturing subscription always comes with one free Smart Shop Floor user. Try out this user and experience how easy it is to automate your shop floor. See also: Smart Shop Floor material management Controlled Release to start Exact for Manufacturing Innovation: Smart Shop Floor material management for Premium Exact for Manufacturing Innovation: Switching from time to material in Smart Shop Floor Exact for Manufacturing innovation: Stage for delivery support in Smart Shop Floor