Product news
QR codes now supported in document layouts of Exact Online for Wholesale
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Using QR codes, we can put a lot of data in a relatively small areas in printed materials. This might be helpful when referring to a web page with product information or working instructions. Recently, we’ve added the option to add QR codes to the document layout of any document used in Exact Online for Wholesale.
How to add a QR code to your layouts?
Going to ‘Master data, Overview | Layouts, Layout for | Delivery note’, you can add a fields to the layout of the Delivery note. If you choose a font from the 2D barcode family, you have the option to choose QR or DataMatrix. The latter is frequently used for printing logistic labels. QR is a popular method for users of smart phones.
Please note that you can change the size of the QR code by changing the properties to Small, Medium or Large using the Properties button in the header, not by changing the font size.
We can insert 2D codes in the header, and in the order lines of all layouts, supporting the different types (QR and DataMatrix) as well as the classic bar codes.
QR Codes were available for Exact Online for Manufacturing already. From now, this innovation is available for all editions of Exact Online for Wholesale as well.