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Matthias van Oostveen
Customer Support Team Lead 

"Continuous challenge and variety are very important to me"

Matthias started as a Customer Support employee at Exact several years ago. He had a strong drive to grow from the start. "For instance, I helped other support staff with their conversation skills. We recorded conversations and played them back afterwards, which is very insightful."

Learning to swim

He still vividly remembers his first weeks at Exact. "The induction process is very well organised; you are not simply thrown in at the deep end. As a result, I immediately had a good feeling about Exact. Even if you've been working here for some time already, development opportunities continuously come up, such as joint or individual training courses."

Need for challenge

"Having fun at work is paramount for me. When I'm working in a fun environment, it provides me with energy. A combination of hard work, a fun atmosphere, and continuous learning. For me, having that means I always enjoy going to work. I'm someone who gets bored fairly quickly, so challenge and variety are very important to me."


His attitude is reflected in the various positions Matthias has held within Exact. "When I was ready for a change, there were no career opportunities at Customer Support. However, there was a cool vacancy in Marketing that also suited me well. So I made the switch and enjoyed working as an Event Manager for 4.5 years. Until recently, when an opportunity came up to become a Team Leader in Customer Support. I did not hesitate and grabbed the chance."

Currently, Matthias has his first managerial position at Exact. "This is a great challenge. Am I suited for this, do I enjoy it? Can I get it done like I have in mind? These are the questions I ask myself constantly."

Patience is a virtue

Despite the urge to keep developing himself, Matthias has also learned to be patient. "In the past, I always wanted too much in too little time. Now, I see that there is no rush and that I should allow myself time to make a choice and learn more about something. This ultimately allows me to make better decisions."