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Premium editions of Exact Online

Volume Packs​

Volume Packs are available in the Premium editions of Exact Online. These Volume Packs are for organisations in need of more API traffic and/or processing capacity and/or data storage. They may need to exchange large amounts of data with related solutions ('more API traffic'), perform complex data analyses, process a high number of transactions or store a lot of data.



Number of entry rules per administration per month​

API calls 1 per administration per app per day/minute​

API calls 1 per administration per day


Essentials, Plus of Professional edities van Exact Online ≤ 10K ≤ 5K/60 ≤ 20K  
Premium edities van Exact Online ≤ 25K - /60 3 ≤ 30K ≤ 20GB

Adding extra Volume Pack(s) makes more API traffic (including XML) possible. More entry rules (general ledger transactions) can also be created per administration per month and more data can be stored. The Volume Packs can be stacked for greater flexibility and volume.​


Extra entry rules per administration per month

API calls 1 per administration per app per day/minute

Extra​ API calls 1 per administration per day

Extra storage​

Each Volume Pack adds:​ +25K 2 - +5K 2 +20GB

The price per Volume Pack is €250/month

1 Includes XML calls (each XML call counts as 50 API calls).​
2 A Volume Pack increases the maximum number of entry rules and API traffic for each administration in the contract.
3 If greater flexibility and volume are required, please contact your Exact Account Manager.​

Prices and conditions are subject to change.​