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Benefits-Plaza is the integration solution for communication of employee changes

Most important benefits:
• Reliable, realtime payroll interface with 100% synchronisation and communication of active employee data
• Significant reduction of multiple manual operations in various insurance portals
• Interfaces with all Dutch pension and income insurance companies
• Flexible implementation core for brokers, accountants, employers and insurance companies

The interface with Benefits-Plaza provides employers. insurance brokers and accountants the softwaretools to communicate employee changes ( hires, terminations, salary/parttime) in the backoffice systems of pension and income insurance companies.

With the flexible core of Benefits-Plaza it's possible to configure the software to your own compnay identity. As part of Keylane you can depond on our marktet and process experience and next to that we are ISAE and ISO compliant. Innovation of our software and interfaces to suit our clients needs is our main focus

Benefits-Plaza provides interfaces with the following insurance companies:
• Aegon
• Aegon CaPPItal
• Allianz
• a.s.r.
• Avero Achmea
• BeFrank
• Brand New Day
• Centraal Beheer Achmea
• Centraal Beheer APF
• ElipsLife
• Interpolis
• Nationale Nederlanden
• Zwitserleven

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Keylane B.V.