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"Klippa SpendControl offers one digital solution for efficiently processing, approving and archiving expense claims, purchase invoices and credit card receipts. It consists of a claims module and an invoice processing module, which can be used jointly or separately.

This provides the following benefits:

- Process purchase invoices, expenses and credit cards in one cloud environment.
- Increase employee satisfaction with a personalized expense app.
- Save up to 70% in processing time with Klippa's award-winning OCR.
- Improve internal control with smart controls and digital audit trails.
- Authorize claims & invoices on your smartphone or computer.
- Book expenses reliably to Exact using the real-time interface.

With Klippa's smart SpendControl software you save time, prevent errors & fraud and get even more insight into your work processes.

Contact us now and learn more about the possibilities."

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