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Shiftbase is easy-to-use software to schedule your employees and register hours worked, With all data centralised in one place.

With Shiftbase, managers have a clear overview of each employee's availability and absence while scheduling, making it quick and easy to create accurate work schedules. Gain insight into wage costs and allowances while scheduling and keep a grip on your budget.

Since Shiftbase is a cloud-based tool, all information is stored online. Employees can easily see the latest schedule and enter leave requests. All features of Shiftbase's software are also easy to use via the mobile app for iPhone & Android.

Employees can register hours through the app or a time clock. Clocked-in employees and registered hours are immediately visible in Shiftbase. Automatically calculate your employees' allowances, plus and minus hours and breaks. No more manual and error-prone mutations.

The integration with Exact allows you to automatically import employees to Shiftbase and schedule them directly. Hours worked can then be exported to Exact for accurate payment to each employee.

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